

 2007-09-30 04:09 桌面版 正體 打赏 1











当他们从国家监狱中释放班禅喇嘛,更登 确吉.尼玛(Gedun Choekyi Nyima)时,





当他们把邀请扩展到联合国在宗教信仰方面的特使,阿诗玛·嘉翰戈尔(Asma Jahangir)女士,从而使她能够在中国开展对非法侵犯宗教自由方面的事实调查时,




Human Rights Without Frontiers Int’l
Avenue Winston Churchill 11/33, 1180 Brussels
Phone: 32 2 3456145 – Fax: 32 2 3437491
Email: [email protected] – Website:

Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l urges heads of state to boycott Beijing's Olympic Games

On the eve of the Olympic Games, China is making a lot of efforts to convince the international community that progress in human rights and in religious freedom follows and will follow the same pace as its economic development. Nothing is so far away from the reality.

Due to the continuous violations of human rights in China, Human Rights Without Frontiers Int'l is therefore calling upon Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Royal Families, the Heads of the European Institutions, the members of the European Parliament and of national parliaments to ignore any invitation coming from Beijing to attend the Olympic Games in 2008.

"It is the moral duty of those elected by the citizens of democratic countries not to legitimize by their presence a repressive political regime which does not respect human rights, which denies freedom of association and assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief to its citizens, which rejects political diversity and any multi-party system;

"I would not understand that the Belgian Royal Family could accept to sit next to President Hu Jintao while lawyers and other human rights defenders are arrested for defending the social rights of Chinese workers;

“I would not understand that Heads of State and Prime Ministers of democratic countries could accept to be part of a show organized by political leaders of a totalitarian regime which refuses to give up death penalty and executes 1,000 people per month;

“I would not understand that the President of the European Parliament or the European Commission could accept to share the official gallery of governmental officials while Falun Gong practitioners are tortured in prison and Tibetan monks are prosecuted because they express their loyalty to their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama."

“NGOs around the world have to be vigilant and to prevent any attempt by the political leaders and representatives of their countries to legitimize the repressive regime of Beijing by their official presence at the Olympic Games.”

When the Chinese Government has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, including freedom of religion and belief and the right to profess and practice it individually and collectively,

When the Chinese authorities have allowed the Tibetan Buddhists to express their religious devotion to the Dalai Lama and to have unrestricted access to him,

When they have released the Panchen Lama, Gedun Choekyi Nyima, from state custody,

When they have put an end to their intervention in the identification and training of Tibetan reincarnate lamas,

When they have repealed the laws and regulations that are inconsistent with international standards that protect freedom of religion and belief,

When they have put an end to the interference of the state in the internal matters of the Tibetan Buddhist institutions,

When they have disbanded the democratic management committees,

When they have extended their invitation to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, Ms Asma Jahangir, so that she can carry out a fact-finding mission about the alleged violations of religious freedom in China,

the international community will be able to start to believe that China has become a democratic country sincerely willing to respect human rights and freedom of religion. Up to now, these conditions are totally unfulfilled.

Human Rights Without Frontiers Int’l (Brussels)
[email protected]

28 September 2007
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