

 2007-07-10 15:39 桌面版 正體 打赏 1
Hong Kong's ten years return to China

July 1st will mark the tenth anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the Communist Party-controlled China. While Beijing authorities are staging celebration of the success of the "one country, two systems", insiders say Hong Kong people don't have a “high level self-governance”.Liang Muxian, a former underground member of the Communist Party, wrote an article entitled "This Decade, Me and the Hong Kong Underground Communist Party" in Open magazine. In the article she reviewed her decade long psychological journey. She said ten years ago she was awakened to the deceptive nature of the Chinese communist Party after reading a book written by Mao Zedong's private doctor. She decided to disclose the Hong Kong Underground Communist Party. She revealed that Hong Kong's underground Communist Party is not limited to the typical Chinese government-funded organizations, unions,and schools, but, feeding on anti-colonial sentiments, they have managed to spread extensively in  colleges, post-secondary institutions and various other organziations.  Consistent with Liang's account, Jimmy Lai, who is the owner of Next Media, published an article in Apple Daily addressing Hong Kong media's self censorship. He wrote that almost none of the real estate companies advertise in Apple Daily and most large local companies that have business in mainland China do not advertise in their newspapers and magazines.  Their reporters are not allowed to gather news in mainland China nor attend Hong Kong government's informal debriefing sessions.  Recently at a symposium in Beijing, Wu Bangguo, the Chairman of the National People's Congress told senior Hong Kong officials: "Hong Kong's administrative autonomy is not is granted by the central government". "How much authority the central government grants to Hong Kong, is (precisely) how much authority (Hong Kong) will get," Wu said.However, Hong Kong's people have never stopped defending their rights. On July 1st, 2003, half a million people protested in the street against the anti-subversion law. The law was then shelved indefinitely. On June 4th this year, 50,000 people went to the candle vigil to memorize the victims of Tiananmen massacre. It is expected more people will demonstrate on July 1st for greater freedom after the official celebration of the tenth anniversary. 


7月1日是香港回归十年。在北京当局准备庆祝香港实施“一国两制”取得成功之际,知情人透露说香港人根本就没有“高度自治”。梁慕嫻女士曾是香港中共地下黨成员,她在《开放》杂志发表题为“这十年, 我与香港地下黨”的文章,文章回顾了她十年的心路历程。她说十年前在读了毛泽东的私人医生写的回忆录后,认识到中共的欺騙本质,于是开始写文章揭露香港中共地下黨。梁慕嫻揭露说香港地下黨不只存在於中資機構、工會、紅校、而是籍著反英抗暴大量地發展到大專院校及其他各種機構。黎智英是“壹传媒”集团的创办人,他在《苹果日报》上发表文章谈到香港媒体业的自我审查。他指出,几乎所有地产公司都不在《苹果日报》登广告;而大部份在大陆有生意的本地大公司也不会在他们的报纸或杂志作广告。中国当局不容许他们的记者到大陆采访,香港政府也把他们拒于吹风会的门外。最近在北京举行的纪念香港基本法实施十周年座谈会上,吴邦国对香港特区的官员们说:"香港特别行政区处于国家的完全主权之下,中央授予香港特别行政区多少权,特别行政区就有多少权。"但是香港人一直都在捍卫他们的权利。2003年7月1日,50万香港人走上街头抗议反颠覆法,使这条法令最终被搁置。今年6月4日5万名港人参加了烛光悼念活动。有消息说7月1日在官方庆祝活动之后,会有更多的香港人上街游行争取自由。(文章仅代表作者个人立场和观点)
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