
【川普】建國者月公告:戰勝邪惡 促進正義(全文翻譯)(圖)

 2019-11-02 02:13 桌面版 简体 打賞 5


【williamhill官网 2019年11月2日讯】(看中國記者天琴翻譯)10月31日,美国白宫发布關於2019年美國國家歷史和建國者月的總統公告。川普总统在公告中说,美国人为捍卫一个基本原则,即所有人均「被他們的創造者賦予某些不可剝奪的權利」;美國堅定不移的致力於促進自由與正義,戰勝壓迫和侮辱尊嚴的邪惡力量。以下是公告全文翻譯。


Presidential Proclamation on National American History and Founders Month, 2019

Issued on: October 31, 2019

Over 243 years ago, our Founders gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at Independence Hall to sign the Declaration of Independence, enshrining in the heart of every American a bedrock principle that all men are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”  Throughout our Nation’s history, countless men and women have boldly defended this principle, often making the ultimate sacrifice on battlefields here and in every corner of the world.  From overthrowing tyrannical rule in the Revolutionary War to liberating Europe from Nazi control during World War II, the United States will always remain steadfast in our dedication to promoting liberty and justice over the evil forces of oppression and indignity.  This same truth fuels us in our efforts to confront the challenges that face our citizens here at home, including protecting precious religious liberties, securing our Nation’s borders, and combating the opioid crisis.  During National American History and Founders Month, we celebrate the vibrant American spirit that drives our Nation to remarkable heights.

Our Nation’s patriots and heroes have always been guided by the belief that America must shine brightly out into the world.  Indeed, this conviction has been at the forefront of the American experiment since our founding.  This month, we acknowledge the tremendous strides we have made as a people and recognize that our democracy’s survival is dependent upon a well-informed electorate.  To ensure the success of our future generations, we pledge to continue to build a more educated citizenry.  We heed the warning of President Ronald Reagan that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

To continue safeguarding our freedom, we must develop a deeper understanding of our American story.  Studying our country’s founding documents and exploring our unique history — both the achievements and challenges — is indispensable to the future success of our great Nation.  For more than two centuries, the American experiment in self-government has been the antithesis to tyranny, and our Constitution has secured the blessings of liberty.  From the triumphs of war to the victories of the Civil Rights Movement to placing the first ever man on the moon 50 years ago, our Nation has time and again exhibited an unparalleled ability to achieve extraordinary feats.  To continue to advance liberty and prosperity, we must ensure the next generation of leaders is steeped in the proud history of our country.

On this inaugural National American History and Founders Month, I encourage all citizens to reflect upon the defining tenets that have always united us as Americans, while also taking time to honor those who have contributed to the great story of our country.  As Americans, may we forever strive to preserve their legacy for generations to come.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2019 as National American History and Founders Month.  I call upon the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
thirty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.


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