

 2017-04-13 07:08 桌面版 简体 打賞 0











Respect of Mr. International health organizations: hello!

I'd like to introduce you to a Chinese old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

Li Tianlan old professor (deaf, a senior researcher at) : female, 68 years old, born in Chinese family, the sixth generation descendants physician (China ancient times to the family of traditional Chinese medicine doctor of the yellow emperor), now I am Li Tianlan old professor, graduated from hubei college of traditional Chinese medicine. More than forty years like one day hard study, inheriting characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and therapy and ancestral secret recipe, and treat all kinds of difficult patients and patients with various diseases. Especially deaf, 1-3 times of treatment, hear and speak, basic rehabilitation for 3 months. Once cured many deaf, make a lot of deaf to restore the function of speech and hearing. Due to the promotion of folk medicine in China is also a very difficult question, because according to Chinese folk medical technology has a lot of limitations and obstacles! So the technology for the treatment of the deaf is bad for domestic development in China everbright! Is difficult to develop the technology! Don't get the state supports! The Chinese general recognition of large hospitals and large hospital for decades also have no ability to make the deaf from the status of the deaf. Even the world without a hospital can not inject drugs, need not take medicine, need not operation, need not operation technology can make deaf from the deaf of the world.

Also will promote first aid to the world and save your sudden heart cerebrovascular disease and cardiac sudden death of acute method, extremely easy to learn easily, the effect the success rate of 100%.

Li Tianlan old professor of traditional Chinese medicine treatment main range: all kinds of cancer, uremia, diabetes, lung disease, knee pain, waist and leg pain, epilepsy, liver and kidney disease, heart disease, and other incurable diseases.

Welcome to officials to come to China's actual investigation and communication! Please take your a few deaf children together to China's actual investigation and communication! Can live visit treatment process of deaf! Use of China's traditional Chinese medicine treatment technology without any hurt! Without an injection, don't take medicine, need not operation, without surgery.

Address: China hedong district of tianjin bandung center building, room 1703, block A, 85-1805.

Contact: 13207632095

Touch: Zhang Xiaomin

来源:看中國來稿 --版權所有,任何形式轉載需看中國授權許可。 嚴禁建立鏡像網站。

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