

 2008-12-26 00:55 桌面版 正體 打赏 0

With the recession hitting home, unemployment rising and the cost of living still at a high, most people are feeling the pinch. But there's no need to cancel Christmas. All you need to do is take some tips from the experts and you can get into the festive spirit, even if you're shopping on a shoestring. Here's how....


1/9 装饰

DIY decorations help cut Christmas costs (Image (c) Getty Images)


Making your own decorations may once have been the preserve of skinflints and eccentrics, but not any more. Think candle displays set in apples and surrounded by greenery, door wreaths made with branches and chicken wire and table displays of frosted grapes created by dipping them in egg white and coating them in sugar. Sophie Conran, scion of the design dynasty, uses holly and ivy with berries, eucalyptus and pine cones to decorate her home.


2/9 礼物

Budget gifts wisely or give home-made presents (Image (c) Getty Images)


Shirley Conran, the original Superwoman, says to limit who you buy for and how much you spend. "Plan to spend much less than usual. You should only buy presents for the under-12s and your loved ones, and even then you must impose a £20 or £25 limit." If in doubt stick to home-made gifts, which are always appreciated, says celebrity chef Delia Smith. "Find out the recipient's favourite cake. If, for example, it's chocolate brownies, buy a mixing bowl and layer up all the dried ingredients needed. Attach the recipe showing what they need to add."


3/9 礼品包装

Try alternatives to gift wrap this season (Image (c) Getty Images)


You don't need to waste pounds on expensive gift wrap, you could use pages torn out of old magazines or catalogues and don't forget fabric. Then there's brown paper, which looks stunning tied up with ribbon (recycled from an old present or bouquet of flowers preferably) or raffia. Dee Momi, of Clotheshorse, said: "Make your own gift bags from old wallpaper remnants and recycled papers. This works well for items such as toiletries and clothing which can be awkward to wrap."


4/9 圣诞贺卡
Find alternatives to costly cards (Image (c) Getty Images)


It's estimated that we spend as much as £40 on cards and postage at Christmas, so this is one way to cut costs. You could send an e-card. They're free and they're environmentally friendly. If you prefer to send "real" cards you could make your own. Alan Francis, from the Green Party, said: "From an environmental point of view it's nice to actually make your own cards. It's especially nice for parents and grandparents to receive handmade cards from their children and grandchildren."


5/9 派对装备
Customise an old outfit instead of buying new (Image (c) Getty Images)


It's never been cooler to customise, so update outfits rather than buying new. And you don't even have to sew. "Cheap fashion fixes like coloured tights and bright gloves and scarves will give dated outfits a lift," said Mirror fashion editor Amber Morales. Don't dry clean either. India Knight, author of The Thrift Book: Live Well and Spend Less, said: "Anything that has a label saying ‘dry clean' can be washed by hand. Anything that has a label saying ‘dry clean ONLY' can probably still be washed by hand, but approach with caution."

6/9 圣诞正餐
Shop for deals or visit cheaper super markets (Image (c) Getty Images)


Shop smart and you can save a fortune. Cookery queen Delia Smith said: "If you're making recipes such as Delia's Wonderful Smoked Salmon Tart, remember that you can buy smoked salmon trimmings much more cheaply than slices." And she also says be canny where you shop too. "Items such as smoked salmon, potato salad and cashew nuts, for example, are superb at Lidl". So there you have it!


7/9 圣诞酒水
Search for deals before buying drink (Image (c) Getty Images)


Keep an eye out for seasonal discounts on drink. You can compare prices at the "Big 4" supermarkets at If you're bulk-buying you could go to a wholesaler or across the Channel. And don't be scared of own brands, if they're offering a better deal. After all, most people can't tell the difference after a few drinks. And if you're playing host to a lot of drinkers, make mulled wine - you can get away with buying the cheapest red and no one will notice once the other ingredients have been added.


8/9 燃气和电费账单
Watch the meter and unplug unused appliances (Image (c) Andrew Milligan/PA Photos)


Gas and electricity bills jump over the cold, dark winter months, with many of us spending around 40% of our annual usage between November and February. Use online comparison sites to make sure you're getting the best deal on gas and electricity. The Energy Saving Trust has two top Christmas money-saving tips: Unplug chargers (for your mobile, laptop, digital camera and MP3 player) as soon as they're charged. And don't leave electronics on standby, switch them off. The average household wastes £37 a year by leaving electronics on standby.

9/9 派对

Host a party the budget-friendly way (Image (c) Getty Images)


If you're the one throwing this year's bash, you can still give your guests a good time without suffering a financial hangover for months after. "For food, think about serving heavy appetizers and small plates of different tastes to save money," said event coordinator Mary Coch. Or you could ask guests to bring a dish and/or a bottle to save you from all the cost. And when it comes to drink, Coch suggests stocking up with budget-friendly beer and wine, and then offering a one-off speciality drink as a welcome aperitif, or a nightcap.

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