
美國史上的第一次 色情女星將與布希共進晚宴(組圖)

 2005-05-21 00:09 桌面版 简体 打賞 0






  Mary Carey to Dine with President Bush

  Source: Kick Ass Pictures

  by: Company Press Release

  (LOS ANGELES, CA) -- Porn star and former gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey will be joining her boss, Kick Ass Pictures president Mark Kulkis, in attending a dinner with President Bush in Washington, D.C. on June 14th. Kulkis was invited to attend the event by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), which is organizing the event.

  Over a two-day course of NRCC events preceding the dinner, Carey and Kulkis will be attending a meeting with presidential advisor Karl Rove, giving their recommendations on important national issues.

  "I'm hoping to run as Lieutenant Governor of California next year," Carey said. "Since Arnold is a Republican, I thought this dinner would be a great networking opportunity for me."

  "I'm honored to be invited to this event," Kulkis said. "Republicans bill themselves as the pro-business party. Well, you won't find a group of people more pro-business than pornographers. We contributed over $10 billion to the national economy last year."

  "I'm especially looking forward to meeting Karl Rove," Carey added. "Smart men like him are so sexy. I know that he's against gay marriage, but I think I can convince him that a little girl-on-girl action now and then isn't so bad!"

  Kulkis serves as an Honorary Chairman on the NRCC's Business Advisory Council, a group of business people who advocate a progressive, pro-business agenda. His company, Kick Ass Pictures, produces hardcore adult videos with a guarantee of "No Fake Boobs & No Condoms." Carey, of course, is the porn star who ran for Governor in the 2003 California Recall Election.

  Kick Ass Pictures is based in downtown Los Angeles. Mary Carey has been their exclusive contract girl since 2003. Kulkis served as her campaign manager during the Recall Election.

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