About Us

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SecretChina.com was launched in January 2001. It is owned by KanZhongGuo Association, Inc. which is a U.S. registered non-profit organization based in New York, United States.


SecretChina.con has twelve columns: Headline News, World News, Politics, Business and Finance, Society, Opinions,Life, Culture, History, Unheard Discoveries, Entertainment, Health. The columns update with latest reports and articles 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

SecretChina.com is a Google certified news publisher. Our website follows the general, technical and quality guidelines required by Google. (https://support.google.com/news/publisher/answer/40787?hl=en)

Readers and Ranking

SecretChina.com draws readers from over 190 countries and regions. According to Google Analytics, our monthly page views are 14,000,000 as of February 2016. SecretChina.com ranks 6,105 globally and 1,680 in the U.S. according to Alexa web traffic statistics.

Multiple Platforms

SecretChina.com has large numbers of followers in social media. Below are our links on the major social media platforms.


News: https://www.facebook.com/KanZhongGuo.web/

Life: https://www.facebook.com/看中國副刊網-493399817498527/





Besides desktop version of our flagship website, we also developed mobile version for users on the go.


For Apple users, we offer apps specifically designed for iPhone and iPad.



SecretChina.com launched several video channels on YouTube. Two main channels are "SecretChina Video" and "China: Behind the Curtain"




Our Endeavor

Non-stop improvement in the quality of our articles is the core endeavor of SecretChina.com. Content is the king. We are confident that our content is the best on the web for Chinese language readers and China experts. We are constantly learning, absorbing and experimenting new ways of reaching out to more readers. Best content and ever expanding distribution channels are the value proposition we offer to our readers and sponsors.

Please write to us if you have any feedback or suggestions. We value your precious input.

Editor: [email protected]

Tech Support: [email protected]

Media:[email protected]

Ad Sales: [email protected]

Other inquiries: [email protected]

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