

 2009-06-13 15:32 桌面版 简体 打賞 0





電話:0535----5633400 郵箱:[email protected]

For help (I would like human rights)!

My name is Lishuliang is the Chinese mainland Penglai City, Shandong Province, Penglai City in the Village of Liu Zhen Liu has a housing (the legal property) both sides of the street, there was good Commercial value. Village cadres by the end of 2004 to find I want to buy my house, said the village wants to develop. The development of our point of view, but must come up with legal procedures. There is no village committee Any procedures, there will be no agreement reached. May 25, 2005 at noon, in the absence of any authority and any procedures, the village cadres to take advantage of the name of the village committee was not at home, I forced The lock damaged, the house property will be taken away (I come back to help prevent it), I have a 60-old can only sit and watch them in a variety of mechanical vehicles, will be pushed onto the shovel Housing Ping. In this way in any country are subject to the protection of legitimate property, the money we have the right of the people here would like to split on the split, I would like to account for the account! ! Nothing to speak of human rights!

I then embarked on a long road to rights! Originally, the government and the law that I would try to protect the human rights, but I was wrong! In this four years I wrote a letter to the relevant departments and on-line 100 complaints about many (documented), visited the department will not know how many. Court, the court case turned three (in history there has never been) clearly evidence the fact that Facie case, according to two years, there is no decision so far (this should be closed for six months).

Four years, the site in my housing (village cadres strong case not to buy) in the first half of the shops have been built by a relative of village cadres to use, so the latter part of all Open space. I now understand why the villagers do not have a strong houses to buy other people's homes, only strong buy my house! That is because the value of my house high and was the family of the village cadres Good.

In four years time, the maintenance of the power of the action never stopped, I believe that the Government believes that the law but in return was a disappointment again and again. Now I understand, there are Powerful money during the day and robbed the National People's Congress is not to bear any risk, and can find all sorts of excuses. I do not know "the best period of human rights" theory come from? Here if We live in the bottom of society there is a certain kind of people and good things, and be a good money to have the right people, you can not escape the bad luck to be robbed, but because we have no way of Everywhere, even if you complain, Some people will not be ignored. Where bullying is not fair to speak of.

Because the legal system and vulnerable groups is bound, and the rich and powerful people who do not
Compliance with laws and systems.

I have more than 60-year-old man reflects on the issue of more than a single charge of no lies! I hope a kind-hearted individuals, groups who uphold justice for me, please lend a helping hand, I hope Human rights organizations to come forward to protect my legitimate human rights! ! Please! ! Help! ! ! Good
people good at! !

Tel :0535 ---- 5633400          Email: [email protected]

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